Smoking Cessation with Hypnotherapy

So you made it this far and you want to see what is in store for you if you are accepted into the program. If you are beginning to get the idea I pull out all the stops when it comes to helping people become smoke free you would be right. Well let me throw a few questions out at you and you must be honest with yourself and fight off the urge nicotine has to make you answer differently. You can’t lie to yourself.

1) I am ready to quit.

2) My health not as good as it could be if I did not smoke.

3) The cost of Hypnotherapy to break the habit is not a issue, I know when I quit the money will quickly be recovered.

4) My family, friends, coworkers wish I would quit.

5) I can find better things to do with the money I now spend on smoking.

6) I agree whole heartedly when other suggest that I quit, but it is beyond my means.

7) Because smokers are a minority, It seems now smoking may be slowing my climb up the ladder of success.

If you have answered "NO" to any of the above, then in your mind you are not ready quit and should come back when you are ready.

The method I prefer to use requires 4 sessions. The one session method used by some Hypnotist's can break the mental addiction but does little or nothing for the physical addiction to nicotine. With each session you are slowly weaned off nicotine. The other advantage to the 4 sessions is we work together to keep other habit's that may pop up in check. I am sure you have heard people say "I will get fat if I quit." This only happens if you let it. Your goal is to quit a habit, not replace it with another. Typically the success rate for this method is much higher than all the other methods. I also avoid using a one size fits all therapy. As every person has different likes and dislikes, so is the same with nicotine addiction. As said above there are several common triggers with smokers, but the 100% match is uncommon. Discovering the personal triggers of each person and removing them is key to success.

Four session smoking cessation program outline

Session # 1

Step 1

The first step is to identify what you smoke, how much you smoke, where you smoke and when you smoke.

Step 2

The second step is to Identify your personal triggers. (Why you smoke) There are many common triggers and also many personal triggers. Group hypnosis sessions do not deal with personal triggers.

Step 3

The third step is to agree on the parameters of your personal smoking cessation program. Establish what works best for you based on your lifestyle and other personal commitments. The goal is to make becoming a former smoker as easy as possible.

Step 4

The fourth step is focused on breaking the mental addiction and physical addiction with hypnosis. 80% of the focus on the mental addiction and 20% focus on blocking the physical addiction. Also some initial work on common triggers is done.

Step 5

The fifth step is learn the first lesson of self hypnosis.

Session # 2

Step 6

Review your first week and make note of  what occurred. What was easy and what was not so easy.

Step 7

The seventh step is to begin addressing the remaining smoking triggers. Identify exactly what they are and what is the best way to remove them.

Step 8

The eighth step is focused on blocking the physical addiction with hypnosis, and reinforcing the suggestions on breaking the mental addiction. Also there is intense focus with hypnosis on the personal triggers.

Step 9

The ninth step is learn the second lesson of self hypnosis.

Session # 3

Step 10

The tenth step is review what happened the second week and make changes as needed in the program.

Step 11

The eleventh step is use hypnosis on the particulars as needed. Continue to deal with any remaining personal triggers About this time pop-up habits start to appear. They can be changes in eating, personality changes and so on. They are also dealt with using hypnosis. This is so you remove the smoking habit and not replace it with another.

Step 12

The twelfth step is learn the third lesson of self hypnosis.

Session # 4

Step 13

The thirteenth step is to review what happened all during the program and make adjustments as needed to reinforce or add hypnotic suggestions for smoking cessation and pop-up habits.


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