

John Krukowski, C.H.

This page is devoted to links of interest otherwise known as Section 3.
 The links here I have found useful or entertaining or at the least just something to see.

Laugh, smile, learn, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not monitor changes to content of these websites. Some links from these websites may lead to sexually oriented websites. If you find any link (here) that is distasteful or overtly offensive please let me know.

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 The best of Thailand. Discover why so many people from other countries like to call Thailand Home.


How much is your money worth when you plan to visit other countries?


Mailing something in or to the USA? All you ever wanted to know is here.


Fed-ex website. Track, ship, price, and more.


United Parcel Service website. Track, ship, price, and more.


The name says it all. Many search engines all looking at the same time with one entry.


A novelist based in Bangkok with a great sense of humor and some great books.

(some adult content)


 About 1999 this New Zealand teacher came to Bangkok to teach English. He started a website so his friends in New Zealand could hear about his weekly adventures in the land of smiles. Over the years it has grown to have over 30,000 weekly readers from all around the world who want to stay on top of what is going on in Thailand with a big focus on the night life. His website is so popular, word has it that the Thai Government reads it too. This site is referenced in "The Lonely Planet" The reader submission section has thousands of stories and personal experiences to help a person get a taste of Thailand. It was one of the sources I read before heading to Thailand and I found it very useful, and that is why this site is on this links page.

(some adult content)


A new website that covers the nightlife in Thailand with a primary focus on Bangkok. It is a view from the inside out. The author of the weekly columns works in the nightlife so his perspective is unique.  There is also valuable information for the first time ands seasoned traveler to Thailand.

(some adult content)

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